
Elli Wernsman


Elizabeth Wernsman discovered her love for massage therapy in Fort Collins, where she attended the Healing Arts Institute. Her education instilled in her a deep passion for anatomy and various body work modalities.

Elizabeth's approach to massage is personalized for each individual, combining intuition and integration to help clients achieve their goals. She aspires to create a nurturing space that promotes healing for the body, mind, and soul, addressing both physical and mental well-being.

Clients on Elizabeth's massage table can anticipate a rejuvenating experience, with a wide range of pressure options that facilitate a life with reduced pain. She thoroughly enjoys working with individuals from all walks of life and welcomes everyone as they are.

Additionally, Elizabeth specializes in providing massage for prenatal and postpartum women. She has extended her education to better cater to the unique needs of this client group.

When she is not practicing massage, Elizabeth can often be found immersing herself in nature with her dog, practicing yoga, and expressing her creative vision through various forms of art.

Elizabeth eagerly looks forward to the opportunity of meeting new clients and welcoming them into her practice.